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I'm not a Southern Beauty,
I'm not an Eastern rose;
I'm just a lil' Western Gal
With freckles on her nose.

Tuesday, May 18

Hey Dollface - A Somewhat Heartfelt Post Fer Once

Banner Haus News and Musings

This is something I have meant to say many times in the past months: I enjoy reading yer comments, and think deeply about some of them, laugh at some of them, and shake my head wonderingly at some of them. Some fly high above this ol' donkey's ears! 

The blog world is strange. I worry when the "regulars" don't post something, even though I say "DRAT" when it's just a grandkid post (tee hee), and I fret when my favorite pests disappear, but realize it's the nature of the blog world. 

But I try to never fergit that thar's HUMANS on the other side of the screen. Except in my case, of course. I'm a space alien taking notes all about earth in the guise of a lil' donkey.

Just wanted to say all that. 

Free Blog Images

Here is a lil' homemade image fer grins and a vintage one fer beauty. The bells get bigger when clicked.

27 bloggie frens have visited the Comment Corral:

  • Debra

    Hi Holly- or should I say alien? I am suffering with insomnia once again. Gald you appreciate all of the comments you get as we sure appreciate you!

  • Marjorie (Molly) Smith

    Good morning..or is it..Dear Holly, I also am suffering from insomnia and nervousness, seems no matter how many times I have this done, I have a feeling of dread, really, really don't like to be put to sleep even for something this silly I know..
    I love dollface and had to snag her for my blog.
    Hope you have a great day. I think I

  • Home and Heart

    Insomnia? I wish. I have always been a night person! Not easy when the world (and kids) work on a daytime schedule! Thanks for all the wonderful images, and most of all, the chuckles!! I like that corral is "Open all night"

  • Anvilcloud

    It's nice to receive comments. Some days my brain won't give one up, but one tries.

  • Doris Sturm

    Mornin' Holly!

    I'm pretty much the same about comments too because we all have our regulars and sort of depend on them to be here and the only way we know they are, is if they leave us a comment.
    I appreciate you and my blogging friends and I miss you when I can't go online.

    It's all about the human connection - it comes in many different forms (as we know) and I think it's really wonderful we can do this with the help of a computer. In the "olden" days, they had to use pen and paper - imagine that - and the pony! Let's ponder on that for a minute ;-)
    I recently joined Facebook because of one of my Etsy teams and guess who I chatted with on Sunday - my sister from Germany happened to be online the same time I was and we connected for a few minutes. That was an unexpected and pleasant surprise!

    Have a wonderful day, my friend :-)

  • Faith

    AW SHUCKS! We feel the same about you too! I have to check in every day...I look forward to visiting and being visited...we all do. I am glad you are here Holly, and that I found you...
    You are the start to my day..a good start ranting or not. I love being considered one of yer lil donkey frens...


  • Amrita

    This is your friendly alien pest LOL

    You are daily dose of friendship vitamin, and have to driop by unless I am handcuffed. LOL

  • Carmen S.

    LOL...and to *think*, when you started this new blog you did away with the comments, I'm glad you changed your mind, and I don't believe you are an alien, for as scary as this earth is nowadays I would think you'd have ran back to the mothership by now to make a frantic escape, LOL!!!

  • Sweet Sue

    Comments~hhmmmmm, interesting topic. I get very few compared to number of my followers, but days are too short for me fret about it.

    Thx for leaving comment on our rescued turtle:)


  • SparkleFarkel

    Oh! Oh! Oh! Dollface! Got to have it! (<--Thanky, thanky!) P.S. You are one of favorite favorite humans on the other side of the screen!

  • Holly, the Old Western Gal

    It's sexist, but I love the term "dollface"!!!

    *Hey, dollfaces, have a great Tuesday!*

    I heard "dollface" a lot from older folks in olde New Orleans...I'm older than interstellar dust...

  • ClassyChassy

    I appreciate all the comments when people leave them. But I miss yours most of all! Have a great day yourself, Dollface!!!

  • Rosemary

    Hi Holly,
    Glad you appreciate what us girls have to say. I do too. I love reading all of the comments people have. Anyway, I love all of your blog posts, you have a way with words. You are funny, and fun. Thanks for the kind words on my blog as well.
    Chat soon,

  • AkasaWolfSong

    I'm new to your blog Holly but I have to tell you that I spent several hours over here yesterday reading away....I adore your blog! It is heartwarming, full of hilarity and humor which is medicine for this old soul and I love your free graphics of which I plan on using, so I must say a Million Thank You's and it is so wonderful to meet you!
    Many, many blessings to You! :)

  • ★Carol★

    I call alot of gals I know "dollface", and I don't mind being called that, cuz there's a whole lot worst I could be called!
    I love visiting your blog because you are the most interesting space cowgirl I know!

  • Knitty

    I wish people wouldn't take offense to terms that are used when delivered without offensive intent. I know people who use "Honey" or "you guys" in general conversations and to me, it is plain that no offense is meant, but sometimes it is taken anyway.

    I once belonged to a knitting group called the Knitwits. One woman wouldn't join because she thought the name was degrading. She really needed to lighten up and take the stick out of her butt. LOL!

  • Ms Sparrow

    So, Holly--you are a space alien in the guise of a little donkey! While it must be great fun to be a donkey, it seems that getting to know the human population of this planet would be a lot easier if you were a bird. Think about it...

  • strawberrycream39

    I love the term "dollface." Sexist or not! I tend to call all my kids' friends' "Sweetie" or "Honey" or some other term of endearment...that way I don't have to keep track of their names. LOL I'm going to have to add "dollface" to the list now! Thanks Hol! (My kitty's name is Holly Berry, I call her Hol or Holbear.) The doll pic does scare me a tad, I must admit!

  • Crystal

    Hi Dollface! :-)

    That's the perfect description for you, Holly.

    A sweet face with a sweet heart to match!

    I tried to comment on your Halloween post the other day but it wouldn't go through! Some glitch that appears every so often and not just on your blog! It's frustrating. Grrr!

    I love your little doll image. Now this will date me - but does anyone remember going to the 5 & 10 (like Woolworth's, Kresge's, etc.) and buying a similar doll, and a box of paper discs? The discs were folded onto quarters and then tied together with yarn or floss in an elaborate pattern that "dressed" the doll in a very full, ruffled skirt. This was a decorative doll, obviously, and depending on how voluminous you made the skirt - she could either stand on your dresser or be placed on the bed.

    Gosh, I *must* be old. Interstellar dust? Ha! There was no dust when I arrived. lol

    Crystal xo

  • Anonymous

    Some mornings I don't know if I'm more human or alien. Teehee! You're a good incentive for me to take care of my blog. I don't get many comments so I really appreciate yours. That little dolly sure is purty...Thanks loads. Sally

  • Linda @ A La Carte

    I appreciate you alien views on life! Really your blog is very entertaining and I really like You!!

  • Lois Christensen

    Some of my real life friends don't really understand that I do have friends with ladies that I've never met in my life! There are faces behind the blogs and I've come to know some of the ladies of the blogs I follow and really have a connection with them, you included! Enjoy your day!

  • Angela

    Oh Holly, you're a Dollface yourself!

    Hope you have a Great Day tomorrow!

  • ^..^Corgidogmama

    You're so kooky. We all just get the biggest kick out of you.
    Such a silly ol' dollfaced alien donkey fren!

  • Buttercup

    You can call me dollface anytime! Certainly beats what folks call me in the office. It's always a treat to stop by and visit and I am happy when you wend your way to Buttercupland.

  • Nydia

    I feel the same about comments. Sometimes I run to the regulars' blogs just to check if everything is okay!

    I wish all aliens were just like that! :o)

    Kisses and love from us.

  • Dawn

    I feel the same way Holly. My day just isn't the same if I don't get to hang out in blogland for a while. And to think I told hubby to hide the computer mouse from me for the last few days so I could get some real work done! I don't know what I'd do without all you dollfaces!

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