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I'm not a Southern Beauty,
I'm not an Eastern rose;
I'm just a lil' Western Gal
With freckles on her nose.

Saturday, May 29

Cordially Yers

Banner Haus News and Musings

The squash bugs that I keep tipping over the fence are evidently finding their way back to my tiny Hubbard squash plants quite quickly. I think it's time to take them across the alley and tip them into the neighbor's yard. That isn't as devious as it seems -- they don't grow anything over there and don't venture out into the backyard at all, being very elderly. They used to gather and distribute apricots from their trees, but let them fall to ruin. Now the fruit just falls onto the ground, much to the delight of wasps and bees, who have their own version of "homebrew" when that happens. I likewise heap my fallen pears in the compost corner, and soon it smells like I'm working on some version of moonshine out there.

Which reminds me! I'm going to make cordial again this year, fer medicinal purposes. You know my paranoid worry about disasters happening...well, I want to be prepared fer them, with an ample supply of cordial. Might have to take a bullet out of someone, like in one of the old Westerns. So I'll need a shot of somethin' before tackling that...oh wait, I think the PATIENT is supposed to take a tumbler of liquor before being "quacked on."

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Here is a very strange flavor fer candy. This is the THIRD kind of candy I've seen that had violets as the flavoring. I used to make candied violets fer cupcake and fruit salad decorations. Mayhap they might be good fer a cordial?

9 bloggie frens have visited the Comment Corral:

  • Amrita

    Hi Holly your fruit sound so good. Wish I was a wasp or bee in your garden.

    The cordial will be good and keep disasters away LOL

  • Anonymous

    Hi Holly, I like this picture, especially with the violets. We have violets that pop up in our yard this time of year...just anywhere they want. I'll be standing by to hear the further stories of your medical prowess! No bullets here so I won't need your services. lol Smiles, Sally p.s. Have a nice weekend!

  • Debra

    Those squash bugs seem to come from out of no where!
    I am not sure about those violet flavored life savers! Pretty graphic though!

  • Carmen S.

    Your cordial sounds yummy:) Never heard of violet lifesavers, but I'd probably be the one to try them, LOL! Speaking of disasters, I'm reading a book I got for a dime on the Mayan calender and 2012, alot of it is over my head but being it was written several yrs. ago it is a bit scary how alot of it is ringing true.

  • Angela

    I too worry about disasters hitting! I don't have any cordial or whiskey in the house but I should get some just in case. My husband won't let me buy a gun but I went out and bought some BB's for my trusty BB gun! I'll shoot their dang gum eye out if they come around here! hehehe ~ Night at the Museum quote! lol

    Have a Wonderful Weekend!

  • Julia

    I can see you as Dr. ODP with yer flail saying, "Keep still ye varmint. Or yer getting this. What's better the bullet or the flail!!"


    I'm just silly today. Silly silly silly.

  • Julia

    Oh yeah with a German accent too.

  • Doris Sturm

    I've never tasted candied violets nor violet flavored candy, but I would love to try it. It sounds wonderful.

    Have a very enjoyable Memorial Day weekend :-)

  • The Joy of Nesting

    OWG Rosey here,

    Well yes it's the guy with the bullet in his ars... er who gets the shot of stiff upper lip. But as the surgeon you need to be sterile and cordial is a perfect way. Remember that your breath and mouth harbor tons of germs soooooooo a good swill/swallow or 2-3 of cordial should take care of those critters. See rationalization can justify anything!! :)

    I bet the violets in cordial would be quite a delicate sweet taste. They always smell Divine when you place them in vodka for astringents oh and to dab behind your ears :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

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