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I'm not a Southern Beauty,
I'm not an Eastern rose;
I'm just a lil' Western Gal
With freckles on her nose.

Saturday, February 27

Attack of the Bunnies

Banner Haus News and Musings:

No news is good news, donkey frens.

But here is a musing: When I'm scrubbin' out a toilet in the ol' bunkhouse, or standing in the grocery store choosing between the 73-cent can of Tiny Greenish Peas and the 89-cent can of Really Teeny Green Peas (and looking longingly at the $1.18 can of Actual Microscopic True-Green Peas), or falling asleep after letting the dogs in (or out) for the tenth time that night, I think of MANY WONDERFUL POSTING TOPICS. By morning, or by the end of the task, or by the time I get to the checkout line, the idea, which I assured myself was so great that I could never fergit it, slips my poor mind.

I'm going to start talking into the digital-recording part of the cellphone so that I don't fergit my grand ideas. Perhaps someone will mistake me for a glamorous spy or even a gainfully employed person. Now to find where in the heck the cellphone hides in the purse...

Vintage Postcard Freebie:

Here we have Sir Rabbit. Right-click to save him this small size, or regular-click so a bigger version loads, then save it. Joining him is what appears to be a very inebriated bunny, who has discovered that home-brewed carrot ale is just the thing for helping him paint over a billion Easter eggs each year.

23 bloggie frens have visited the Comment Corral:

  • Lynn Barbadora

    Yup .......I can relate to the fergitting.........Love the bunnies ! Thanks!

  • Amrita

    Howdy, Ol Gal from the West,

    Popping in for my daily tweet. This bunny looks like the one from Alice in the wonderland. But it doesn 't look like the Mad Hatter 's Tea Party.

    Oh you 'd find fresh green peas very cheap here - in American currency. They are expensive for us though.
    An Indian friend from the US bought 10 pounds of fresh green peas to freeze and eat till they travel back to the States.$1.18 could get you about 2 pounds of fresh green peas.

  • Carmen S.

    OH I am lovin' those bunnies!!!! The recording tip is a great one, I'm like that with lists, if I go somewhere without a list, forget it, I'm lost:( Enjoy your day sweetie!!

  • Debra

    I love the bunnies!
    I am forgetful too!

  • Donna

    Marty is loving all these bunnies! I keep track of blogging topics in a word document. I create all my posts in that file too, and then copy/paste them over to blogger. I'm forever adding to my list, LOL.

  • Marjorie (Molly) Smith

    My ideas run from me poor ole brain before I could get me phone have done the same thing, while answering or leaving a comment on a blog, I'd think now this is a great idea to blog about, I have so much to say, but time I finish and flip back to my bloggie, I'm saying NOW WHAT WAS I THINKING ABOUT...Duhhh ideas run from my ole mind, like bugs run from birds...
    Thanks for the bunnies. And hope you have a great day.

  • ★Carol★

    I jot down my amazingly clever ideas right away, even if they occur in the middle of the night!
    Thanks for the bunnies. I don't blame that second bunny for taking a nip off the old carrot ale bottle once in a while. That's alot of eggs to paint, and he doesn't have helpers like Santa does!
    Happy Weekend,

  • Stitchesnstrokes

    I'm thinking that we ALL should have those recording things these days! LOL Problem is...I'd forget to bring it or forget to use it!! :S

  • Angela

    Hey Holly!

    We woke up to about 8 inches of snow this morning! The bunny graphics are a refreshing sight to see this morning!


  • ^..^Corgidogmama

    Holly, you won't believe this but as I write this there is a Hoosier wild bunny sitting under my birdfeeder. We see his pawprints every day but seldom "catch" him in the act....
    How appropriate/funny that you've posted a couple of bun-buns today! Love 'em. Snagged 'em both for later use for Easter cards and blog.
    Thankee pea lady with forgotten ideas. Personally, while scrubbing a toity, thinking about ANYTHING else is a good idea!

  • sjhackney

    I wish I could see you, standin' in the grocery line talkin' in your phone like a secret agent. You gave me a little smile this morning. Enjoy your weekend! Sally

  • Anonymous

    Love the bunnies....ours here are old desert bunnies, kinda rough around the edges.....we love um though...

  • Gwen

    I wanna pet the bunny.

    My grand ideas always come to me at the most inopportune times & then promptly slip right out when I am ready to deal. I call it the Swiss Cheese Factor, but I like swiss cheese. Now I want some swiss cheese.

  • Judi

    I too have millions of ideas, sit at the 'puter, blank! LOL Thanks once again for the great graphics. Judi

  • Faith

    I'd love to have me a small farm with a bunny or two...a lop eared one mayhap? And a yard bird..ahh...the stuff dreaams are made of. There will be NO TREATS for me and I have had a tooth pulled from my poor aching mouth this w/e..I am groggy, from the RX and am going to take a nap....for it is cold..and the perfect thing to do....:)

  • Lady Farmer

    I was all set to write a great comment ~ but I forgot what it was!! ;~P
    I am afraid it's our age, dearie! But I can't remember what that is either! (conveniently!)
    Cute bunnies!

  • Anvilcloud

    1. It's easy to forget topics or to hold onto them for so long that they no longer seem relevant. I have done both.

    2. You are very good at what you do. I'm impressed.

    3. I had no idea that blogger supported pngs. I thought it was just jpegs. I think that was the story atone time.

  • Holly, the Old Western Gal

    Anvilcloud, there is some trouble with the code on Google's side, and sometimes pngs lose their transparency, wah! But this is only when using Chrome to upload, I believe.

  • Rosemary

    I love the bunnies!! I also love your posts!!

  • Country Whispers

    Oh how I can identify with losing thoughts. It's sad but sometimes I have to go stand in the spot that I was standing when the thought first entered my head just to see if something sparks my memory. Yes, sad but true.
    Lovely bunnies today too!

  • myletterstoemily

    great idea to record your thoughts. they are so

    i'm a new blogger and don't really understand the
    free graphics. do you mean anyone can just 'take'
    your beautiful graphics to their boring blogs?

    if that is so, then you are a very generous soul.


  • Ms Sparrow

    I keep forgetting to tell you that I'm not a little donkey, I'm a great big donkey! So, don'
    you fergit it, hun!

  • Buttercup

    Just what I needed today, a few bunnies. Using one of the bunny graphics from last year today and he is as cute as ever. Nothing like a bunny to bring on thoughts of spring. Thanks!

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